Montgomery Soil Conservation District
Montgomery County, Maryland
Cooperators Dinner
This is an annual event that is hosted by MSCD and held in a participating cooperator facility to honor cooperators for their good stewardship and conservation practices.
The program focuses on recognizing the cooperators in the county who have made a commitment to conservation. Supervisors present a variety of awards, including Cooperator of the Year, Contribution to Agriculture, and Young Farmer Award. The MSCD also highlights some of the year’s accomplishments, and the programs available to landowners interested in protecting their soil and water resources.
2022 Cooperators Dinner
Hosted by: Windridge Vineyard in Darnestown, MD
September 19, 2022

Guests enjoyed a guided tour of Windridge Vineyards fields and grounds, guided by Robert Butz and staff; wine tasting sponsored by Corteva/ Pioneer Seed and a fantastic meal catered by Simply Fresh. The night finished with our awards ceremony where we honored our Cooperator of the Year, Teacher of the Year, and presented Board Supervisor, Robert Butz, with a Supervisor of the Year award, which was awarded at the MASCD meeting in August.
2022 Cooperator of the Year
Misty Gleann
Teacher of the Year
Lissa Vincent
Thank you to our 2022 Sponsors!
Excavating Co.
Seneca Ayr
Laytonsville Turf
Farm, LLC
And thank you to our 2022 Conservation Supporters!
Bill Jamison

J. David Mullinix & Sons
Wine tasting was sponsored by Corteva/ Pioneer Seed.
Special thanks to Windridge Vineyard for hosting!
2021 Cooperators Dinner
Hosted by: Butler's Orchard in Germantown, MD
September 15, 2021

Guests enjoyed a tractor tour of Butler's Orchard's fields and grounds, guided by Wade Butler and Ben Butler; a demonstration of pumpkin chunkin' by staff; commemorations of the MSCD's 75th year, including reading from historic meeting minutes by John Zawitoski; Conservation Award
presentations; and a fantastic meal catered by Simply Fresh.
Senator Chris Van Hollen recognized the MSCD's 75th anniversary (2020) with a citation from his office. County Executive Marc Elrich and Special Assistant Dale Tibbitts also joined the MSCD to commemorate our 75th year.
2021 Cooperator of the Year
Delaney Gladhill
Contribution to Agriculture Award
Ben Allnutt of Homestead Farm
Recognition of District Supervisors for Years of Service
Wade Butler, Pam Saul, and Robert Stabler
Recognition of District Employees for Years of Service
J. Harne and Paul Meyer
Thank you to our 2021 Sponsors!
Excavating Co.
Laytonsville Turf
Farm, LLC
And thank you to our 2021 Conservation Supporters!
Bill Jamison
J. David Mullinix & Sons
Special thanks to Butler's Orchard for hosting!
2019 Cooperators Dinner
Hosted by: Brooke Grove Farm in Olney, MD
September 11, 2019

Guests enjoyed a screening of the locally-produced video "Conservation Kids," a Green STEM documentary; a walking tour of Brooke Grove Farm’s conservation efforts; Conservation Award
presentations; and a great meal, all within the bucolic setting of Brook Grove Farm.
2019 Cooperator of the Year
Windridge Farm, LLC
Contribution to Agriculture Award
Dr. Charles Mess
Outstanding Employee and Customer Service
J. Harne
Thank you to our 2019 Sponsors!
Excavating Co.
Laytonsville Turf
Farm, LLC
And thank you to our 2019 Conservation Supporters!
Montgomery County
Weed Control
Air View
Bill Jamison
Pioneer Seed

Special thanks to Brooke Grove Farm for hosting and to Lewis Orchards for providing fruits and vegetables!
2018 Cooperators Dinner
Hosted by: William F. Willard Farms in Poolesville, MD

2018 Cooperators Dinner

2018 Cooperators Dinner

2018 Cooperators Dinner

2018 Cooperators Dinner
2018 Cooperator of the Year
Dr. Lucy Tidd
2018 Youth Volunteer of the Year Award
Anthony Righter
Conservation and Education Award
Lisa Righter
Thank you to Hans Schmidt from the Maryland Department of Agriculture for joining us to give a special presentation on WIP III goals.
Thank you to our 2018 Sponsors!
Excavating Co.
Laytonsville Turf
Farm, LLC
Sunny Ridge Farm
And thank you to our 2018 Conservation Supporters!
Montgomery County
Weed Control
Special thanks to William F. Willard Farms for hosting!
2017 Cooperators Dinner
Hosted by: Waredaca Brewing Company

2017 Cooperator of the Year
Eleanor Leak
2017 Equine Conservation Award
Dr. Charles Mess
Mrs. Carolyn Lechlider also accepted an American Flag flown over the capitol in honor of her late husband, George, a long time member of the MSCD Board.
Thank you to our 2017 Sponsors!
Excavating Co.
Laytonsville Turf
Farm, LLC
And thank you to our 2017 Conservation Supporters!
Air View Farm
Montgomery County
Weed Control
Special thanks to Waredaca Brewing and Waredaca Equine for hosting!
2016 Cooperators Dinner
Hosted by: Bethesda– Chevy Chase Chapter Izaak Walton League of America

2016 Cooperator of the Year
Lauren Greenberger
2016 Volunteer of the Year
Chuck Schuster, UMD Extension Agent
Thank you to our 2016 Sponsors!
And thank you to our 2016 Conservation Supporters!
Air View Farm - William E. Barnes Homestead Farm
Stoney Castle Farm
Windridge Farm, LLC