Montgomery Soil Conservation District
Montgomery County, Maryland
Local Cost Share Program
We are excited to be able to offer local funding assistance for livestock fencing along streams and surface waters through the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Program. The goal is to help cooperators who are either ineligible for or choose not to participate in State and Federal Cost Share Programs. This includes farmers who lease land, farms with fewer than 8 animals, and operations that prefer fencing options that aren’t covered under traditional Federal/State programs.
Revised nutrient management regulations from 2014 stipulate that access to streams and surface waters is restricted by a minimum of 10 feet. While fencing is not a requirement, those who would like to install fencing now have another option when it comes to cost share assistance.
There are many fencing types available for this program that may be more economical and fit your operation better than traditional cost share fencing options. The cost share rate will be capped at $1.50 per linear foot of fencing installed with a maximum of $10,000 per project. A fencing standard must be followed to receive project certification and reimbursement. However, this standard is much less stringent than those required by many Federal and State cost share programs. A current Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan for the farm is also a prerequisite.
Funding for this program is available through the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Charge, with a goal of improving water quality in the Agricultural Reserve. Funding is limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so please contact our office to discuss your fencing options. We have other cost share opportunities for agricultural best management practices. Please contact us for more information.