Montgomery Soil Conservation District
Montgomery County, Maryland
2022 Cover Crop Signup
Cover Crop Program
The regular Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Cover Crop Program Sign-up period is July 1 through July 18, 2022.
Apply for grants to help pay for seed, labor, and equipment costs to plant cover crops in your fields this fall.
This year's enrollment will be entirely by mail. Complete the application from the MDA's website here: https://mda.maryland.gov/resource_conservation/pages/cover_crop.aspx
Mail to your local soil conservation district. All applications must be postmarked between July 1 and July 18, 2022.
Download or open the program fact sheet by clicking the PDF button below or click here.
Cover Crop Plus+
The MDA is offering a new pilot cover crop program with increased incentives and increased management requirements.
The application is available online at the MDA website. Applicants will be required to print the application and complete prior to returning to their local Soil Conservation District Office.
Signup: July 1 through July 18th (Same sign-up period as traditional program)
Application: Available on the MDA website (https://mda.maryland.gov/resource_conservation/pages/cover_crop.aspx)
Farmers can download, fill out, and take (or mail) application to SCD office for SCD review and signatures.
They should not sign up the same fields for both cover crop programs.
SCDs mail completed applications to MDA.
MDA will assign an agreement number and mail out approval letter.
Farmers should have control of planted fields for 3 years.
Download or open the program fact sheet by clicking the PDF button below or click here.